Having experience abroad to have certain stories to share to others are additional values for students. In International class of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta, there is a program of campus trip abroad. This program is aimed to gain beneficial relation between school or university. It is held once a year for each grader, and for this year there are the 11th and the 12th grader which is having this program to do.

On October, 3rd 2023, the 12 grader students, it is about 36 members went to Singapore. This visitation is the second time activity, continuing for the first program that holding on October last year to Malaysia. We visited Singapore University of Social Science for the campus trip. In this occasion, the general stadium discussed about how could students prepare their study in the future. Collaborated with the college students there, the students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta are so enthusiast with this class activity.

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